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Upgrade or renew your ceiling fan; or replace that lost remote with our accessories.
Upgrade or renew your ceiling fan; or replace that lost remote with our accessories.
The ceiling fan was just the beginning. We're always designing something new at Hunter.
The ceiling fan was just the beginning. We're always designing something new at Hunter.
Why us?
We design the best running, best looking ceiling fans. And all around and all around.
- John Hunter.
Why us?
We design the best running, best looking ceiling fans. And all around and all around.
- John Hunter.
If you have any questions, feel free to check out our FAQ. Alternatively, you can also contact us.
If you have any questions, please take a look at our FAQ. Alternatively, you can also contact us.
If you have any questions, feel free to check out our FAQ. Alternatively, you can also contact us.
If you have any questions, please take a look at our FAQ. Alternatively, you can also contact us.
by Sarah Samad May 14, 2021 3 min read
Understanding ceiling fan airflow
There’s nothing like the feeling of a cool breeze from a fan
during a summer day. To achieve it, you need a ceiling fan that moves
the most air. When choosing the right fan, some look
at the CFM (cubic feet per minute) number on the box or online product
page. While CFM does talk about the air in relation to the fan, there are a lot
more factors that go into a fan that produces the best
Ceiling fan CFM
versus air velocity
The first thing to understand when evaluating which ceiling
fan moves the most air and will cool you best is the difference between CFM and
CFMmeasures the volume of air a fan moves
in cubic feet. Our lab technicians measure a
fan’s CFM when its running on high and low speed, then calculate
the average. The testing measures are based on the Department of
Energy’s (DOE) idea of average daily fan use.
Air velocity relates to the speed the airflow is
moving and is traditionally measured using miles per hour
Simply put: CFM measures how much air is being
moved while velocity measures how fast it moves. Ceiling fans cool people by using the “wind chill
effect” – and the faster the air comes from the fan, the cooler you’ll
feel. It’s a lot like when you have the window open in a moving
car. Hunter ceiling fans still produce high CFM
ratings. We optimize our fans’ motors and blade
pitch to move a lot of air
while consuming less energy.
How many blades are best on ceiling fans
The number of blades on the fan aren’t necessarily
an indicator of ceiling fan airflow, but rather the shape.
Ceiling fan size
Size is a big factor in efficient ceiling fan
airflow. Installing a fan that's too small for your space won't
circulate air effectively throughout the room. Alternatively,
installing a fan that's too large for the space could overpower the
room, even on a lower setting. Keep in mind that larger fans will
also tend to have higher CFM due to the surface area, but that doesn’t always
translate to air velocity. Be sure to look for SureSpeed if you
really want to feel the difference.Our
buying guide is a great
resource for learning what the right ceiling fan size is for your space to
produce the best airflow.
Ceiling fan
To get the most out of ceiling fan airflow, you’ll want to
make sure yourceiling
fan is spinning counterclockwise in the summer. This creates a downdraft, which you feel
as a cool breeze when you’re sitting under the
fan. Having the fan on high speed and spinning counterclockwise
will give you the coolest breeze.
During the winter, you’ll want your ceiling fan to
spin clockwise on the lowest speed. The updraft helps move warm air
trapped at the ceiling around the room. If you have the fan spinning clockwise
but on high-speed, it counteracts the warming effect.
Our designers' mission is to create stylish, timeless
ceiling fans that also provide energy-efficient airflow. They work closely
with our engineering team to create designs that also
produce optimized airflow, from the interior components to the blade
shape. Learn more about choosing the right ceiling fan with optimal
airflow byexploring
our buying guide.
by Sarah Samad April 11, 2022 3 min read
by Safah Samad January 17, 2022 3 min read
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